sleep supplements

What is the verdict on sleep supplements?

We’ve all seen ads and social media posts for popular supplements promising better sleep. But do they really work? And are they safe? With an ever-increasing amount of people reporting poor sleep quality due to the ongoing stress of the pandemic (COVID-somnia), or perhaps anxiety over the current news environment, it’s no wonder that supplements and prescription sleep aids are... read more »

Why better sleep should be one of your New Year’s resolutions

If a better night's sleep is not one of your resolutions for this year, it should be. For one thing, quality sleep helps boost your immunity which is paramount right now as Covid-19 cases continue to surge (and it’s also flu season on top of that). Another plus is that healthy sleep could act as a catalyst for other popular... read more »

How does sleep apnea affect the eyes?

Poor sleep and a sleep condition known as sleep apnea can cause a variety of health problems. Among these are hypertension, diabetes, the potential for stroke, and dementia. But did you know that sleep apnea can also be associated with serious eye issues? Sleep apnea is characterized by sporadic, interrupted breathing at night due to obstructed airways and is often... read more »

What to expect at a new patient exam

Chances are if you’ve scheduled an appointment with us, you are doing so at the urging of a disgruntled partner wanting to avoid a sleep divorce due to your loud snoring. Or maybe you are just taking it upon yourself to learn about  ways you can achieve a more restful night’s sleep (and ultimately better health and immunity) as you... read more »

Do You Wake up With Neck or Shoulder Pain With Sleep Apnea?

When it comes to sleep apnea, using a CPAP machine can help you finally get the sleep your body needs. But what if you’re using a CPAP machine or other medical device to breathe easily in your sleep and still wake up with a sore neck or shoulder? Your neck and cervical spine are close to your upper airway, so... read more »

Four Signs that You Could Be a Secret Snorer

There are secret shoppers, secret handshakes, secret admirers, and even secret snorers. Everyone knows someone who snores so heavily at night that it disrupts others’ sleep, such as a partner or elderly family member. But you still might be a snorer, even if no one hears you or has to constantly nudge you to pipe down. That’s the secret snorer.... read more »

Don’t Let Daylight Savings Derail Your Sleep

Daylight savings time can often wreak havoc on even the most sound sleepers. But don’t let it get you down. Not this year. For 2020, especially when we could all use a generous helping of self-care, treat daylight savings as a time to refresh or reset your sleep habits. “Healthy, quality, restful sleep has an abundance of mood-boosting benefits, including... read more »